11/2/69: family dog at the great highway, san francisco, CA.
chet helms opened his family dog operation to great fanfare in june of '69. helms was a clever promoter, but a poor financial manager, and despite financial support from bill graham, the family dog was in dire financial straits by august. the dead certainly helped keep the club afloat, playing a number of dates in august, september, and two shows in early november. on the whole, the family dog shows tended to be a bit more laid back as a general rule, but this particular night found the boys playing with unbridled passion and authority. all of the pigpen numbers are a gas, and the good lovin’ is as hot as any you’ll ever lay your ears on. heck, the big boss man and next time you see me ain’t no slouches either.
the intro stuff is solid, but it’s the final 60 minutes of the set that makes this gig so special. the dark star suite and the transitions into st. stephen, the eleven, and the show-ending death don’t have no mercy, is about as good as it gets for 1969 dead. recorded by bear, and digitally transferred by charlie miller, this night at the family dog is one i'm happy to return to again and again.
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